XtraSize – bigger penis and better sexual performance

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60 capsules60 capsules
Diet supplementDiet supplement
Available without a prescriptionAvailable without a prescription
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Dosage and duration of treatment.

How to use XtraSize? It is recommended to take one capsule daily, immediately after breakfast. The optimal duration of treatment is 6 months – during this period the penis will reach its maximum size. The best recorded increase in length is over 7 cm, however, this result only applies to some men. Among the most numerous group among the examined men, an increase in penis length in the range of 4-5 cm was observed (after 6 months of regular use). The capsule should be taken with plenty of water.

XtraSize – bigger penis and better sexual performance

The preparation has been available for many years and the effect of the treatment seems to be permanent. However, the manufacturer recommends using a maintenance dose.

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45 thoughts on “XtraSize – bigger penis and better sexual performance”

  1. I didn’t measure length or thickness, but certainly the erection lasts longer and the pleasure during intercourse is 100% greater. My woman is happy. I took it for 3 months and I ended up some time ago. The effect persists today, but I’m going to buy it again.

  2. A large penis means high self-esteem, great self-confidence and satisfying sex. It really is, and there is nothing you can do about it. The specifics are as follows: seven weeks, length plus 18 millimeters, circumference plus 4 millimeters, maximum satisfaction. I sincerely recommend.

  3. Does taking other dietary supplements, such as vitamin D, omega-3, or any other vitamins, interfere with the supplement xtrasize, please help.

  4. Changes in my case are also very good. Enlargement of the member increased self-esteem and this is the key to success in my opinion. As a consequence, there was an increase in libido and generally greater sexual possibilities. I have a more abundant orgasm and the ability to have sex again and again without needing almost any rest.

  5. I have been using supplementation since last fall, so it’s been about half a year. In the beginning, there was no change in penis size. Progress began in the third month. Currently, my penis has increased by about 3 centimeters in erection. From my point of view, the difference is really colossal. I recommend!

  6. My penis size remains unchanged at the moment. I feel an increased desire for sex and overall greater emotional arousal. Is that good?

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