Snore Block – herbal supplement for snoring

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SnoreBlockSnore Block
60 capsules60 capsules
Diet supplementDiet supplement
Available without a prescriptionAvailable without a prescription
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Dosage and duration of treatment.

Snore Block – herbal supplement for snoring

It is recommended to take two tablets a day. The first tablet in the morning and the second in the evening. Each tablet should be taken with a glass of water. One package is enough for a monthly treatment.

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29 thoughts on “Snore Block – herbal supplement for snoring”

  1. I have been using it for several months with good results. Now I don’t wake up in the middle of the night and I don’t snore anymore. I don’t know how it works or why it happened, but it helped me. My only concern is what will happen when I finish therapy. After all, I will not be taking it for the rest of my life. Maybe I’ll write in some time if the effects last for the next months …

  2. Today two weeks have passed and my throat, nose and upper respiratory tract in general have cleared up without a doubt. I sleep much better. At night, I don’t wake up once. There is also a slight improvement in snoring.

  3. It’s been two months since I use Snoreblock. The snoring is not completely gone, but I can see a significant improvement. Plus, I sleep much better. I still have four packages to use, so I’m counting on getting rid of snoring completely.

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