Folisin – herbs and vitamins for strong hair

4/5 - (150 votes)

Folisin 60 caps
60 capsules60 capsules
Diet supplementDiet supplement
Available without a prescriptionAvailable without a prescription
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Dosage and duration of treatment.

Folisin – herbs and vitamins for strong hair

Two capsules a day. The capsule should be washed down with a glass of water. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

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29 thoughts on “Folisin – herbs and vitamins for strong hair”

  1. I believe that producers make the mistake of specifying too short a time after which we should expect results. This applies not only to this dietary supplement, but also to others. I have already tried to use different things and the situation was repeating that I waited for the results much longer. It’s exactly the same here. Four months have passed and the improvement is only now starting and hair is thicker, stronger and grows much faster.

  2. I expected the effects to be visible a bit faster. It’s been seven weeks now and there is actually improvement. The hair is thicker and a little darker, but the new hair is not growing back so far.

  3. I give a five-star rating. Since the beginning of the supplementation, my hair has hardly fallen out and, in addition, I can see that my nails have become stronger. Before, my nails broke a lot, and for a few weeks it hasn’t happened to me at all.

  4. I objectively state that the hair becomes stronger and actually grows even in bald spots. However, it happens very slowly and probably requires an infinite amount of time. I rate the product 3 stars.

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